It's been a rough couple of weeks around this house. Ernie (my 15 year old Yorkie) has been diagnosed with diabetes and it is so hard to make the decision on how to treat him. We have decided that as long as he feels ok, we will not euthanize him. Yesterday he started on insulin and he seemed to feel much better today. However, he IS 15 years old, and whatever is causing the diabetes will not likely get better. So we take each day at a time, and enjoy him while we have him.
Chewbacca will not know what to do with himself without Ernest. He has been low dog on the totem pole all his life, he even lets the cats bully him around. However, no more dogs for us....the cats are much easier to care for - especially since Mike and I travel so much.

In line with all that's happening, I started working on an angel quilt. I hope that this will give me some of the extra strength I need to handle Ernie, Mike being in Chicago and Shari and the baby leaving next week. If that doesn't work, there is always pills!
This is a picture of my latest "angel". She's a garden angel and I really enjoyed making her. There are twelve of them to make and then they go together in a quilt! It's alot of fun adding accessories to her clothing. The flowers and bees are buttons and her shoes have little black beads on them! I'll post the new ones as they come!
Shari and Audrey leave on Thursday. I"ll miss that baby (and her mother) but can't wait for them to get back together as a family. It's been too long apart for all of them. Mike will come home on Thursday and then, if Ernie is OK, we will head to Scottsdale for a much needed vacation. We're going to cheer Proteus on in his first horse show. Pictures will follow!